Hello, and Welcome to The DIY Editing section of our Squawk Space! Here you'll find all the tips and tricks you'll need to polish your own work without paying for a professional editor. Most places might feel like this is shooting ourselves in the foot, but we at ShadowQuillsInk don't believe in hoarding knowledge any more than we believe in hoarding money. So while we offer a wide variety of professional editing services to YOU, dear reader, we also want to see you develop as a writer and learn all the tools you'll need to become a superstar one!
So feel free to use our DIY 101 forum, even if you aren't using any of our paid services. In fact, use it to skip our paid services altogether if that's what you want! But you may find that doing things on your own comes with it's own set of challenges. That's why we'll always be here, because the next phase of the journey isn't to everyone's tastes. We, meanwhile, love reading stories and get a personal sense of satisfaction every time one of our authors announces a new book deal.
So take a gander at our handy, comprehensive list of topics and get started! If you still have questions, you can try posting them on the General Discussions forums so we or other readers and writers like you can get back to you with the specialized help you need. (Just remember to check here first -- we might have covered it already!)
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